# Dawsonia *Digitize hAndWritten obServatiONs In weather journAls* Dawsonia is a young project aimed at data-rescue of weather journals stored as PDF / Zarr files. Some of its salient features are: ::::{grid} 2 :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`table;pst-color-primary` Table detection Specializes in tables with grid lines, detecting both its position and structure ::: :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`pencil;pst-color-primary` Handwritten text recognition Built-in support for image-to-text AI to read handwritten numbers and symbols. ::: :::: ::::{grid} 2 :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`gears;pst-color-primary` Customizable TOML based configuration file to adapt to different table layouts ::: :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`hand-holding-heart;pst-color-primary` Open-source Free to use, modify and distribute. [Contributions welcome](contributing). AGPL-3.0 licensed. ::: :::: The digitization pipeline is implemented in Python, using well-known open-source scientific libraries. NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, OpenCV, scikit-image, Tensorflow, scikit-learn, Typer... to name a few. ::::{grid} 1 1 2 3 ```{button-link} ./install.html :color: info :shadow: :expand: Installation ``` ```{button-link} ./getting_started/index.html :color: success :shadow: :expand: Getting started ``` ```{button-link} ./hackathon_2024.html :color: muted :shadow: :expand: Hackathon 2024 ``` :::: ```{toctree} :hidden: install Getting started Hackathon 2024 ``` ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 1 caption: Contents --- user_guide/index API wishlist Chat with us ``` ## Indices and tables * {ref}`genindex` * {ref}`modindex` * {ref}`search`